1. Ufuk Yolcu, Eren Bas, Erol Egrioglu, A new fuzzy inference system for time series forecasting and obtaining the probabilistic forecasts via subsampling block bootstrap, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy System, 35(2), 2349-2358. (SCIE)

  2. Sarica B., Egrioglu E., Asikgil B., A New Hybrid Method for Time Series Forecasting: AR-ANFIS,Neural computing & Applications, 29(3), 749-760., (SCIE)

  3. Eren Bas, Crina Grosan, Erol Egrioglu, Ufuk Yolcu, High order fuzzy time series method based on pi sigma neural network, Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,72, 350-356., (SCI)

  4. Nihat Tak, A. Atıf Evren, Müjgan Tez, Erol Eğrioğlu, Recurrent Type-1 Fuzzy Functions Approach for Time Series Forecasting, Applied Intelligence,48, 68-77., (SCI)

  5. Ozge Cagcag Yolcu, Eren Bas, Erol Egrioglu, Ufuk Yolcu, Single Multiplicative Neuron Model Artificial Neural Network with Autoregressive Coefficient for Time Series Modelling, Neural Processing Letters, 47(3), pp. 1133-1147. (SCIE)

  6. Akdeniz E., Egrioglu E., Bas E., Yolcu U., An ARMA Type Pi-Sigma Artificial Neural Network for Nonlinear Time Series Forecasting, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, 8(2),121-132. (ESCI)

  7. Aydın Temel F., Avcı E., Ardalı Y., Full Scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands to Treat Domestic Wastewater by Juncus Acutus and Cortaderia Selloana, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20:3, 264-273, (SCIE)

  8. Aydın Temel F., Avcı E., Turan N.G., Full Factorial Experimental Design of Ni(II) Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Adsorption, Int. J. Global Warming, 16 (3), 299-319, (SCIE)

  9. Kızılpınar Temizer İ., Güder A., Aydın Temel F., Avcı E., A Comparison of the Antioxidant Activities and Biomonitoring of Heavy Metals by Pollen in the Urban Environments, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,190(8):462, (SCIE)

  10. Avcı E., Using Count Regression Models to Determine the Factors which Effects the Hospitalization Number of People with Schizophrenia, Journal of Data Science,16(3), 511-530.

  11. Avcı E., Flexibility of Using Com-Poisson Regression Model for Count Data, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 6, 278-285

  12. Avcı E., Medyan ve Aralık Olarak Raporlanan Çalışmaların Meta-analizi: Erken Evre Meme Kanserinde Cerrahi Yöntem Tercihinde Yaş Faktörünün İncelenmesi, GÜFBED/GUSTIJ,8 (2): 175-184

  13. Avcı E., Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Prevalence: Alzheimer’s Disease in Europe, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Biostatistics, 10(3):208-214

  14. Çebi A., Akgün E., Öztürk T., Avcı E., Cancer Statistics in Giresun Province, Turkey: A 12-Years Retrospective Review, Gulf Journal of Oncology,1(26): 43-48.

  15. Avcı E., Ilhanli I., Celik C., Kurt Genc A., Kozleme E., Epidemiological and socioeconomic profile of cerebral palsy from the aspect of mothers in Giresun, Turkey, International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 3(5), 1-5

  16. Okur, N., Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequality for Log-preinvex Functions Via Sugeno Integrals, Journal Contemporary Applied Mathematics, 8(1), 41-50.

  17. Okur, N., İşcan, İ., Usta, Y., Some Integral Inequalities for Harmonically Convex Stochastic Processes On The Co-ordinates, Advanced Math. Models & Applications, 3(1), 63-75.

  18. Okur, N., İşcan, İ., Yüksek Dizdar, E., Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for Harmonically Stochastic Processes, International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, 11, 281-292.

  19. Karahan, V., Okur, N., Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for Convex Stochastic Processes On n-Coordinates,Turkish Journal Mathematics and Computer Science, 10, 256-262.

  20. Melih Ağraz, Vilda Purutçuoğlu, Extended Lasso-type MARS Model in the Description of Biological Networks,Journal of Statistical Computing, 89-1.

  21. Gül Murat, Akşen Merve, Kapula ile Küresel Borsa İndeksleri Arasındaki Bağımlılığın Araştırılması, Ordu Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 8,2,230-242

  22. Gül Murat, Öz Ersoy, Multivariate Markov Chain Model: An application to SP-500 and FTSE-100 stock exchanges, Marmara İktisat Dergisi, 2,1,75-88.

  23. Doğru, F.Z. and Arslan, O. 2018. Robust mixture regression modeling using the least trimmed squares (LTS) estimation method, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 47(7), 2184-2196.

  24. Doğru, F.Z., Bulut, Y.M. and Arslan, O. 2018. Doubly reweighted estimators for the parameters of the multivariate t-distribution, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 47(19), 4751-4771.